What’s in a child’s name?
In what could possibly be the strangest place to find inspiration for an article, this week’s story comes from last night’s dream.
In what could possibly be the strangest place to find inspiration for an article, this week’s story comes from last night’s dream.
Christmas may have come and gone, but the enjoyment of receiving personalized presents remains a year-round treat for everyone, especially children.
The powerful Lopez clan of Iloilo held its grand family reunion recently in Jaro, Iloilo, drawing 4,000 kin from all over the world.
I’ve often wondered what the phrase “I’m sorry” really means to a child. Do children really mean it, or understand what they are saying?
Like many other parents, Janell Burley Hofmann of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, gave her son an iPhone last Christmas. But her gift to 13-year-old Gregory came with strings attached—a long list of rules that he must follow.
The right age to give your kids their first phone has been fervently debated. And with phones becoming smarter and smarter and capable of doing much more than just text and call, there’s even more reason to think things through before handing one to your child.
When I was in high school, there was a brief period of obsession over a small handheld gadget that served as a directory and a calendar. Best of all, it had a matchmaking application so you could see what the future held for you and your crush!
We get it—you’ve spent the past weeks running around like a headless chicken. You were buying gifts, wrapping gifts, herding your family from one reunion to another, slaving over Noche Buena and Media Noche, being stalked by inaanaks and dancing “Gangnam Style” at Christmas parties. Now all that is over and you still have a few days left before your kids head back to school.
Once again, another Christmas has passed and a new year beckons. How could 2012 have gone by so quickly?
A few Christmases ago, I asked my aunt what my younger cousin wanted for Christmas.
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