Creating our own reality
When I changed the name of this column from Inner Mind to Inner Awareness in the early 2000s, I didn’t think anybody would bother to ask the reason for the change. And I was right—nobody did.
When I changed the name of this column from Inner Mind to Inner Awareness in the early 2000s, I didn’t think anybody would bother to ask the reason for the change. And I was right—nobody did.
Psychiatrist Daniel Amen wanted to know if there was any difference between the brains of normal people and those with deviant behavior, depression and drug addiction.
It is natural for people to be skeptical of things for which they have no proof. We cannot blame those who do not believe in spirits (or ghosts), UFOs or ETs, elementals and other strange phenomena if they have not encountered any of these. I myself would not believe them if I had not personally seen them.
Sometime in the mid-1990s, I received an unexpected call from a well-known bold movie star, Anna Marie Gutierrez, who became famous for her daring role in the steamy movie “Scorpio Nights” (1985).
I think it was in the mid-1970s or early ’80s when I read the story of an American housewife who was preparing lunch in the kitchen, when she suddenly felt a very sharp pain in her chest. She thought she was having a heart attack.
To a clairvoyant, or one whose Third Eye is open, every human being looks like a cluster of radiating lights in the form of an egg. These lights emanate from all parts of the body, but most specially from the seven psychic centers (or chakras) of man.
A reader named John e-mailed the following question about polarity and karma:
How do we know if what we know is real or true? In a recent forum I was invited to talk about this question, I used the controversial phenomenon of psychic surgery, which our local faith healers perform on patients, to provide answers.
A relic is defined as “a part of a deceased holy person’s body or belongings and kept as an object of reverence.” Relics are important not only to Christianity but
The practice of consulting seers, oracles and dream interpreters to know what the future holds dates back to antiquity.
The latest in global fashion, beauty, and culture through a contemporary Filipino perspective.