February 21, 2012 | Lifestyle.INQ

Day: February 21, 2012

Health Care is for All

ONE FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION when discussing Global Healthcare Travel also known as Medical Travel or Medical Tourism is this: Will the country’s public healthcare be compromised once the Philippines becomes a global healthcare hub? The short answer, based on the experience of India and other more established medical tourism destinations is: No, as long as we do it right.

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Royal treatment at the Philippine Heart Center

IT’S NOT EVERY DAY THAT A PHILIPPINE HOSPITAL TREATS ROYALTY, but that’s what happened when Iso Nanhken Iriarte and his wife Nahnken Hei, leaders of the kingdom of Pohnpei of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) went to the Philippine Heart Center. Iso’s wife needed to have some diagnostic procedures done on her heart and they chose to go to the Philippine Heart Center.

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Workshop on Implementing International Standards in Hospitals

In line with the Philippine government’s thrust of providing universal access to healthcare, the country’s hospitals and healthcare providers were urged to upgrade their standards like what citizens of developed countries are getting in a socialized healthcare system to be efficient. Hospitals and clinics need to be internationally accredited in order for them to be globally competitive and open new markets including foreign patients.

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