Marijuana aids kids with seizures, worries doctors
The doctors were out of ideas to help 5-year-old Charlotte Figi.
The doctors were out of ideas to help 5-year-old Charlotte Figi.
He survived a stroke and a devastating muscle disorder. Still, you can’t wipe the smile off ebullient TV host and triathlete Kim Atienza’s face. “I’m happy because I’m physically
They’re a group of specialized physiotherapists and movement specialists trained to incorporate Pilates in rehabilitating injuries and chronic pain.
Reader Lawrence Gonzaga sent in the following timely query: “With the recent celebration of the Chinese New Year, so many different charms, amulets and trinkets have proliferated in the market. And some of them are pretty expensive. My question is: Do these charms, amulets and trinkets really work?”
It is alarming to know that health challenges once associated with aging are now affecting the younger generation.
The latest in global fashion, beauty, and culture through a contemporary Filipino perspective.