The unique selling point of uniforms
Often overlooked, uniforms say a lot about you and your business: what your brand is, what service you can give ,and what type of working culture you instill. When customers
Often overlooked, uniforms say a lot about you and your business: what your brand is, what service you can give ,and what type of working culture you instill. When customers
London, United Kingdom | AFP | Tuesday 2/11/2020 – 11:32 UTC+8 By: Linda Abi Assi Lying on a footbridge spanning London’s River Thames, Ben Wilson finalises his latest creation:
Seoul, South Korea | AFP | Tuesday 2/11/2020 – 16:55 UTC+8 By: Claire Lee The unprecedented Oscar haul for South Korean director Bong Joon-ho black comedy “Parasite” has shattered
Attention, grimy kids of this town: It looks like an upcoming Netflix series could restart your all-night binge-watching. Whether it’s for the better or worse, well, that’s up to you
TBH, Sharon Choi—Bong Joon Ho’s interpreter—deserved an award too. As Bong Joon Ho’s trusty interpreter, the 25-year-old never fell short in doing her job—from the filmmaker’s guestings to acceptance speeches.
“[When I turn 25,] I hope that I’m making more records that will inspire more people, maybe a bigger audience and hear more stories that they’re inspired with my music,”
Kobe Bryant was indeed loved by many of his fans
According to a gynecologist, more than 50 percent of women suffer from at least one form of intimate dysfunction: incontinence or frequent urination, vaginal dryness leading to urinary tract infection,
After reading our column last week (“Rein in your fears of the coronavirus,” PDI, Feb. 4, 2020), a colleague commented that the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) threat should be regarded with
The latest in global fashion, beauty, and culture through a contemporary Filipino perspective.