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OCTOBER 27, 2022

Tag: jobs

Adulting 101: Things to do before you graduate

Urban Dictionary defines the term “adulting” as “to carry out one or more duties and responsibilities expected of fully-developed individuals.” But we all know what adulting really is, in all its ugly glory. It’s attempting (sometimes failing) to live on your own, supporting yourself financially, and eating with a broken, angry hunger because you can’t find that one fork that you stole from your parents’ house.

But really, with all the memes and jokes around the internet that make fun of people who are starting their own lives, it’s easy to feel like being an adult is like trying to float on boiling hot water, with a bunch of stones tied to your feet, all while attempting to take an Instagram story of it. And the thing is, it actually kind of is. There’s a lot of work that comes with being a real adult, and none of it includes using paper plates for the rest of your life because you don’t want to do your own dishes. You need to do the real stuff–stuff that would actually help you pave your way towards being a real adult.

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