Your mantra for the week: I am victorious over all challenges.
God is within and around you now and always… This God is everywhere. This being so, makes you one with God.
In it, you live and move and have your being, and as you breathe in and out, you become aware it is there because it is your life.
It is your connective cord in the third dimension of life where you are. Without your breath, you move on to another level of experience.
While on Earth, it behooves you to seek first the Kingdom within, and all else shall be added unto you. In that Kingdom, you will discover the unconditioned I AM, which is God or is called by others the Anointed or Higher Mind which explains why in Exodus 3:14, the name of God is I Am That I Am.
In IAMISM, we believe that God is perfect and that perfection is not a state of being but a process of evolution. We are at every point of time perfect for that moment in the context that the universe is all spirit, including all that is material which is simply vibrating on a different frequency.
Biblical phrases like choosing between God or Mammon always depicts the material as something negative, totally oblivious that the two are both ends of the same pole. A rich man using his wealth to create greater good in the world is as highly spiritual as someone who prays unceasingly, because in truth, All is Spirit and birthed by God.
If we can all agree that God is perfect, then we can assume that God is also fairness itself. So, wherever you are at this moment in your eternal life, this is perfect for you… so, “In everything give thanks” and reexamine how you are using your personal I AM.
Archivo’s achievements
Last Wednesday, Archivo 1984 Gallery, in celebration of “100 Years of Documentary Filmmaking,” showed a docu from Tats Manahan’s videotape collection titled “Manila.” It was directed by National Artist Ishmael Bernal and produced by Imelda Marcos’ Metro Manila Commission.

You will recall that Tats’ in-laws, Tito and Elvira Manahan, were frequent guests of the Marcoses, but Elvira would always emphasize, “I am not a Blue Lady, Tito is the Blue One.”
I remember how I resisted appearing in this documentary until Ishmael promised that it would soon be followed by a full-length movie “showing the real Manila.”
I did have my own contribution to that movie, now considered by many a Bernal masterpiece. Titled “Manila By Night,” it was later renamed, “City After Dark” as per Imelda’s request and was banned for export. Only the sterilized version was approved for international showing—probably good for tourism, but truly bad for the arts. In other words, pro-pagandá siya!
Angara through the years
I used to have lunch with lawyer Ed Angara, Susan Yuchengco and Sally Perez when the former had just founded the Accra Law office together with his fraternity brothers from Sigma Rho, before the declaration of martial law.

In the late ’70s, when I began my esoteric astrological readings, one of my early clients was Ed.
At that time, I told him that it looked like he could be president one day. He said, “I have no political ambitions whatsoever.” I replied, “I’m not giving you a reading on your intentions but on how events are going to unfold.”
All in good humor, the session ended by his saying, “Thank you for the pleasant sitting, although I’m a bit skeptical about your prognostications.”
In 1981, when Ed was appointed president of the University of the Philippines, he gave me a call. “George, baka yung basa mo, hindi mo lang nakita na may University yung pagka-presidente ko.” I laughed and said, “No way, you will enter the political arena!”
In 1987 after the Edsa Revolution, my prediction had come to pass and Ed was elected senator. On his second term, when he became Senate president, I, in turn, called him and reminded him how events were unfolding the way I had seen them as early as the late ’70s.
We both had a good laugh.
In 1998, Ed did prepare to run for president and when I asked him then, “If you win, what position will you give me in your administration?” He happily answered, “How about palace prophet?”
As history unfolded, Erap Estrada ended my prophesying days. But Ed did travel all the way to knocking distance at the door of the presidency.
May 10th, the Israeli Day celebration, was the last time I saw Ed. Our group invited him to join us for dinner and he politely said, “I try to retire early these days.”
Through the years, Gloria Angara and I remained friends ever since she asked me to decide on the ideal time for her to give birth to daughter Katya.
I met Katya for the first time on the 40th day of her father’s death. I don’t usually attend these things because I do not believe that souls still remain on earth for 40 days “before going to their final or transitory supernatural realm.”
It was such a thrill to watch Katya sing like a professional. She chose to sing the “Man in the Mirror,” which in all likelihood was a meaningful message she got from her father.
The still very lovely Gloria was so poised and serene as she thanked the more than 400 friends and admirers of Edgardo Javier Angara—grandfather, father, husband, lawyer, educator, Senate president and, yes, almost the President.
But who knows, his Son(ny) might one day rise to the occasion!
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