All about bilocation | Lifestyle.INQ

An AB Literature college student named Jeline e-mailed me a series of questions about the phenomenon of bilocation as a topic of her research paper.

Although the answers to most of her questions can be found in my book, “Understanding the Psychic Powers of Man,” I decided to answer her questions in this column because I believe they would be of interest also to my readers.

What is bilocation?

It may be defined as “being in two places at the same time.”

How does it work? Can you explain it in simple terms?

Yes, I can explain it, but I don’t think I can in simple terms.

To understand bilocation, one has to know the different bodies of man and the existence of several planes or dimensions outside the purely physical.

There is in esoteric philosophy, the teaching that man is composed of several bodies with different frequencies. The densest of this is the physical body. Next to this is the “etheric body,” sometimes referred to as the “astral body.”

Now, this etheric or astral body can detach itself from the physical body, especially during sleep, and to travel away from it. When this happens, and the etheric body or double is seen by another person in another place, we say he is bilocating. Most often, bilocation happens without our being conscious of it.

What causes bilocation?

There are several causes, but the most important is desire or intention. The astral body or etheric double goes wherever a person wants to be. This desire or intention may not necessarily be conscious for bilocation to take place. That’s why when it happens, the person who has bilocated is usually shocked when told he or she was seen other than where he or she was.

Can people bilocate intentionally? If so, how do they do it?

Yes, this can be done consciously or intentionally by people who have mastered their whole being, not only the physical. It has been reported in reliable literature that  the saint Padre Pio was seen to have bilocated so many times, and helped people in trouble even far from where he was at the time.

There was the reported case of a British pilot during World War II whose plane was shot in Italy, and it was going to crash on earth. Then the pilot saw a bearded monk in a brown robe flying in front of him, who took hold of the nose of the plane and landed it safely on earth. When he went to the nearby Capuchin monastery to inquire, he saw the monk who saved him. It was Padre Pio, but he never left the Monastery!


Can you explain why certain people bilocate? Are they aware of it happening? What are its implications for the person involved?

I think I have already explained the why of it. The most important factor is desire or intention, although it need not be consciously done. In the case of Padre Pio and other saints of the Catholic religion, the motive for bilocation seems to be to help people in distress, or in trouble. Others bilocate simply because at that time they intend to be at another place but cannot physically do so. Their astral or etheric bodies travel and are seen by others.

There was the case of a young employee in a rubber shoe manufacturing company I used to work in. She was seen by at least six workers at the factory one Saturday morning, although she was at home because she wasn’t feeling well.

When she learned of this, as she reported on Monday, she got scared and started crying uncontrollably. She thought she would die. Only after I explained to her the phenomenon of bilocation as a natural process did she stop crying. I told her there was absolutely nothing to be scared about that incident.

How did bilocation become associated with the belief that it meant imminent death? Is this true?

There is absolutely no truth to that belief. I don’t know how it started. In the case of Padre Pio or even that factory employee I mentioned, death did not follow after they were seen elsewhere. Padre Pio lived many, many more years after that incident during World War II. Neither did I hear that the factory employee died soon after that.

How did this belief that if your double is seen elsewhere that you will soon die? Maybe it started when, by coincidence, a person who bilocated died soon afterward. But the cause definitely was not bilocation, but maybe a heart attack or something else.

Certain beliefs are products of faulty logic. For example, in Aesop’s fable, the cock believed that its crowing caused the sun to rise or appear, because every time it crowed in the morning the sun appeared in the east.


Attend the next Basic ESP & Intuition Development Seminar on Nov. 26 and 27, 9 a.m.-5p.m., and the next Inner Mind Development seminar on Dec. 3 and 4, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., at Rm. 308 Prince Plaza 1 Legazpi St., Greenbelt Makati. For schedule of seminars, reservation and appointment for personal consultancy, please call tel. nos. 8107245/8159890 or mobile no. 0920-9818962. Listen to my radio program over DZMM every Sunday from 8-9p.m. E-mail Visit my website .

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