Bath Pizza Co. might not be a popular food chain around the globe, but it did come up with the ultimate dream job opportunity—a professional pizza taster.
Yes, you read that right. The England-based restaurant is seeking an individual who will sample all items in Bath Pizza Co.’s menu and provide feedback.
According to the restaurant’s website, applicants must be knowledgeable, an experienced pizza eater “with a cultured palate,” a good communicator and passionate about all things pizza.
“We’re looking for a pizza taster to sample our new menu at Bath Pizza Co. The ideal candidate will be an experienced pizza connoisseur with a love for wood fired flavours,” the restaurant’s vacancy page read.
“You’ll have a cultured palate and be able to feedback your professional opinion to our head chef and you’ll have the chance to try each of our pizzas and influence our menu. We serve thousands of people every month so ensuring our menu excites and delights our customers will be a key part of this role.”
The opening is only a part-time gig and will only require just two hours a week, but those selected will be compensated with a “competitive salary with serious pizza perks.”
The ad also assured pizza connoisseurs who are not based in England that they will cover all costs of transportation.
“We’re looking for a real pizza lover to test our new menu, feedback to our chefs and help us refine our menu. Location doesn’t matter. We’ll even cover your travel costs – flights, train fares, fuel – for the right candidate.”
To qualify, interested applicants must simply fill out a form and write in detail what the qualities are of the most “awesome pizza” and explain why they’re the best candidate for the role. Khristian Ibarrola /ra
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