A Japanese gamer extended gratitude to mobile game Pokémon Go for helping him have fun and meet his new wife.
An avid fan of the mobile game by Niantic, Twitter user “@shibuya319” recently announced his marriage to “Rii-san” via tweet on Aug. 27. The level-40 Team Mystic member in Tokyo claimed he and his new wife met through the social game, according to a report on Japanese outlet Yaraon via AnimeNewsNetwork.

The happy gamer’s tweet included a snapshot of the newlywed’s wedding certificate with wedding and engagement rings, and a pair of wedding-themed Pikachu plushies.
“My life has changed in a big way thanks to ‘Pokémon GO.’ We’ll build a happy family while continuing to enjoy ‘Pokémon GO’!” wrote @shibuya319.

He also shared a screengrab of the Pokémon Lapras, which he caught on the day he met Rii-san. There were also snapshots of various wedding items and the smartphones of 16 friends whom @shibuya319 also met through “Pokémon Go.” However, it appears the new couple didn’t go for the specially designed Pikachu wedding and engagement rings being offered by Japanese jewelry company U-Treasure.

Rii-san and @shibuya319 apparently met on Aug.27, 2016, which made the date of their marriage extra-special as it was the second anniversary of their meeting.
While a certain Otaku dating site suggested having other hobbies could raise their chances in finding a love interest, it appears there are some exceptions to the rule. In any case, @shibuya319 and Rii-san’s love story is a beacon of hope to otakus around the world who have not yet given up on finding love in the 3D world. Alfred Bayle /ra
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