Anyone can learn to do remote viewing | Lifestyle.INQ

Remote viewing or traveling clairvoyance is the ability to project one’s consciousness or awareness to a distant place and describe accurately what’s there.

Remote viewing was scientifically investigated and studied at the Stanford Research Institute (now called SRI Institute) in Menlo Park, California, for 20 years (1970 to 1990) under the direction of two skeptical physicists, Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff, with the help of several outstanding psychics, like Ingo Swann and Harold Price.

The study was secretly funded by at least four US government agencies, including the Central Intelligence Agency, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and several military intelligence agencies. It was codenamed The Stargate Project, and was known only to top ranking government officials.

The project was intended to study whether psychic abilities such as telepathy and clairvoyance are real. The secret study was prompted by strong rumors that Russia had trained psychics to spy on US military secrets, and that Russia was at least 50 years ahead of the US in terms of psychic research.

After 20 years of research, the scientists revealed that remote viewing is a scientific fact and almost anybody, with proper training, can do it successfully. Of course, many other mainstream scientists remained skeptical about such claims.

I have modified and simplified the experimental protocol developed by Doctors Tag and Puthoff with a similar success rate.

In my version of remote viewing, I ask participants in class to choose a partner whom they have not met before, or if they had met the partner, he or she should not have been to the partner’s house. After a brief explanation, I guide the participants to a mentally relaxed state, technically called the alpha brain wave.

Given only the full name of the partner, I ask participants to project their consciousness or awareness to the house of their partners and describe in detail what they see there. In my more than 30 years of conducting this exercise both here and abroad, over 90 percent of the class is able to successfully perform remote viewing, to their great surprise.

After teaching remote viewing for so many years, we have learned so much about the many hidden powers of the human mind, and also about the true nature of reality.

We learned, for example, that almost anybody can successfully do remote viewing if he or she follows the instructions given. I have taught this technique to many people around the world.

Distance is no barrier

We learned that distance is no barrier to successfully performing remote viewing. For example, there was this Filipino real estate broker whose partner was a Swiss lady working with the International Red Cross and residing in Bel-Air, Makati. He described accurately the painted flowers on the ceiling of his partner’s house in Zurich, Switzerland, although he had never been to that country.

In another remarkable example, which happened at a seminar I conducted in Colorado, the man saw the security code number of his partner’s house in Hong Kong, and she said only she and her husband knew that security code.

We also learned that a house that no longer exists can still be seen through remote viewing. In a seminar I conducted at St. Paul’s College in Quezon City, the teacher partner of Sister Caritas described her house in detail, although it was burned four years before and a new house stands on that property. This seems to confirm the existence of a parallel universe or the “many worlds” theory of quantum physics.

Various kinds of spirits can be seen in the house of a person through remote viewing. On several occasions, remote viewers saw spirits of dead relatives, dwarves and other elementals, and even pet dogs who have died, in the house of their partners.

This seems to suggest that the theory of spiritualists, that the dead are still with us, may be true.

The future can also be seen during a remote viewing session. In one seminar, the remote viewer saw the second floor of his partner’s house, which has only one floor. The partner confessed he was planning to construct a second floor, and that the architectural plan had already been drawn.

Does this imply that time is not linear? That there’s no such thing as past, present and future? That there’s only the eternal now? And that past, present and future really exist simultaneously, as some Eastern mystics say? These are mind-boggling questions, indeed, and we do not yet have any definite answers for them.

I think it was the Dutch quantum physicist Niels Bohr who said, “Reality is made up of things that cannot be considered real.” INQ

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