If there’s one thing that former actress and yoga teacher Maxene Magalona has become during the onslaught of the novel coronavirus, it is that she is now prayerful.
Magalona has made it a habit to pray everyday, as per her Instagram post yesterday, Oct. 19.
“This pandemic has definitely helped me strengthen my relationship to God,” she declared, posting a quote card which said, “If you ask the universe for signs believe what shows up.”
Now based in Bali, Indonesia together with her husband Rob Mananquil, Magalona felt she had no choice but to pray because times now are harder.
“Ever since we got stranded/divinely placed here, I never stopped praying. I actually began praying more often and more deeply. Because these times have been so overwhelming, confusing and anxiety-driven, I had no other choice but to just keep connecting to Him through prayer,” the actress explained.
Praying has become so natural now for Magalona that every time she finishes her daily yoga practice, she says a gratitude prayer and asks for guidance.

“I noticed that ever since my prayers became more intentional and sincere, I’ve been receiving so many different signs from the universe about what I’ve been praying for,” she shared. “This is why prayer and meditation are so essential especially during this pandemic.”
“We need to tune in with the frequencies and energies around us so that we can learn how to flow more with life,” Magalona advised. “More prayers, less resistance. More God, less ego.” JB
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