What makes Christmas decorations memorable? Is it their sparkle, the light they give, or the colors they play with? We know that Christmas decor is about the visual appeal, but what makes them endearing is the story they represent. My Santa socks always remind me of the mornings I spent excitedly finding presents in them. The parols are an excuse to spend an afternoon setting up with the family amid banter and laughter.
When we travel, we’ve indeed picked up something to remind us how Christmas is celebrated differently around the world.
The story and sentiment behind Angels for Angels are what make these handmade Christmas ornaments extra special. The project sees unique angel decor made by various communities featuring sustainable materials. The initiative is by the Swiss Embassy in Manila, in partnership with SM Supermalls and SPARK Philippines.
“We wanted to build on the experience of supporting a community, similar to our work with the Negrense Volunteers for Change (NVC),” Swiss Ambassador Alain Gaschen shares. “Previously, we only worked with one organization to make a Christmas angel made from sustainable materials such as upcycled Nespresso capsules, but for this year, we are now working with and supporting seven different communities who are each producing their own angels made from different sources,” he continues.
“More than showcasing the creativity and skill of these communities, Angels for Angels aims to provide another source of income to their members, as proceeds from the sale of these ornaments go directly back to the producers themselves. Now more than ever, we have seen how the pandemic can affect jobs and livelihoods; thus, for some, this effort serves as a sort of lifeline”, Ambassador Gaschen explains. Funds raised by the action will also help fund children’s nutrition projects by World Vision.
The seven different communities represent the various advocacies the Swiss Embassy in Manila espouses. Each community also puts a spotlight on unique materials they are well-versed in, so each angel is exceptional.

The Progressive Ladies’ League (PLL) uses water hyacinth. In contrast, the Quezon City Jail Female Dormitory uses red eco bag cloth, black garter, cardboard, silver metallic foil, gold glitters, and White Katcha Cloth for the bag.

Kababaihang Iisang Layuning Umunlad ang Sambayanan (KILUS) utilizes foil packs and insulated materials in light of their mission to be an advocate, a leader, and partner of the Solid Waste Management of Pasig and other Environmental Programs as well as the Cooperative. HABI (Philippine Textile Council) uses textile scraps showing off the creativity of the weavers of Ilocos, Bicol, Zamboanga, and Iloilo.

Negrense Volunteers for Change (NVC) created the angels using used Nespresso pods, while Tetra Pak harnessed used beverage cartons. Lastly, Rise Above Foundation Cebu’s angels are made of rice flour sacks.
Angels for Angels is available online via Lazada and SM Call to Deliver. You may also find them in seven different SM malls: Megamall, Mall of Asia (MOA), Aura, The Podium, Seaside City, and Lanang Premier.