Get inspired by these real people who managed to stay fit and healthy during the whole pandemic | Lifestyle.INQ

OCTOBER 27, 2022

It’s been two years since the pandemic began. I’ve witnessed how most people struggled with their health, weight issues, and difficulties facing sudden and drastic changes. It was seen in their schedule, home environment, school, work, and relationships. It takes a lot of acceptance, patience, hard work, commitment, openness, and discipline to survive. 

I asked some of my clients to inspire and share their lifestyle and fitness achievements, how they conquered all the challenges, and how they still maintain their strong determination and motivation to stay fit and healthy.

Juana Yupangco, 38, Founder, Mesa ni Misis

I started training Juana 14 years ago, just a couple of months after giving birth to her first-born child, Jaime. We immediately started our online Zoom workout sessions during the first week of the pandemic in March 2020. She has never stopped her active and healthy lifestyle since then. That’s why she continued her workouts even during the pandemic.

Her passion and commitment to healthy living led her to achieve her best body and health ever while influencing her whole family and everyone, especially since she started her Mesa ni Misis project a few years ago.

Share something about your lifestyle transformation and fitness achievements for the past two years. How did you do it?
I lost the stubborn weight I had after having my kids. I walk every day for at least 30 minutes and focus on my eating habits.

What difficulties did you encounter? How were you able to conquer the challenges brought about by this pandemic?
I decided that I would take advantage of not having to go out during the pandemic. I focused on very healthy eating and developing healthy workout habits.

Please share the most powerful lifestyle lessons and realizations you had from this pandemic.
A diet high in veggies is the way to go. Cutting down on meat is the key to keeping my weight down and feeling good mentally and emotionally. I also follow the personalized health and epigenetics program (PH360) of Mitch and Armand Mendoza. Mitch taught me to optimize my fruit and veggie intake, and it works to help me feel my best. I see Armand for personalized workouts for strengthening, lengthening, and toning my whole body, which works best for my body type.

Luisa Viray, 48, Homemaker and Business Owner

Luisa started joining my morning Zoom class last July 2020. Her strong determination to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle despite her treatments and surgeries is truly inspiring. She’s consistent and committed when it comes to exercising.

Share something about your lifestyle transformation and fitness achievements for the past two years. How did you do it?
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in August 2019 and finished treatment in March 2021. As soon as I regained my strength, I started doing light workouts on YouTube. I then joined Mitch’s classes. I’ve recently incorporated weight training and physical therapy to round out my fitness routine.

What difficulties did you encounter? How were you able to conquer the challenges brought about by this pandemic?
Cancer treatment and multiple surgeries took a huge toll on my body. I learned to be patient with it. I took a holistic approach to wellness and sought help to heal physically, mentally, and spiritually. The pandemic also taught me that I don’t need to go to the gym to stay healthy and fit.

Please share the most powerful lifestyle lessons and realizations you had from this pandemic.
Health is wealth! Listen to your body and avoid all things toxic–certain people, food, and situations. Don’t wait to get sick before you start taking better care of yourself.

Giselle Eduque, 45, Homemaker

Giselle experienced the biggest challenges in her life during the pandemic. I’ve seen how she significantly transformed her way of thinking to achieve her health and fitness goals. We started our lifestyle coaching sessions two years ago.

Share something about your lifestyle transformation and fitness achievements for the past two years. How did you do it?
I was able to control my self-sabotaging attitude by being kinder to myself and leaning towards self-love. I achieved it by being more mindful about how I live my life, prioritizing my health, feeding my body and soul with quality over quantity, and having a positive outlook, good mindset, and a completely different perspective of most situations.

It’s all about meditation, keeping a journal, maintaining an attitude of gratitude, eating mindfully, without feeling guilty, knowing when to have cheat days and when to push it. Exercising to keep stress levels down kept me motivated and moved towards looking for that consistency. 

Keeping a good sleep routine and never forgetting to laugh and have fun even during scary and unprecedented times. 

What difficulties did you encounter? How were you able to conquer the challenges brought about by this pandemic?
My biggest challenge was maneuvering around my father’s illness until his passing in the time of COVID-19. I conquered the challenges by having the undying support from my husband and girls, knowing I had my family’s trust and that we all had each other’s backs. The outpouring of love and support from my friends, constant prayers, and small acts of kindness and gestures from everyone surrounding me. Mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical fitness. All of that came into play!

Please share the most powerful lifestyle lessons and realizations you had from this pandemic.
Don’t be so hard on yourself. Learn to ask for help when you need it, give back when you can, continue to be a better version of yourself by taking the first step. Every day towards a goal is one step closer to where you need to be.

Macel Fernandez-Estavillo, 50, General Counsel and SVP, JG Summit Holdings, Inc.

I started seeing Macel and her kids for online workouts last October 2020. I admire Macel for being a dedicated mother who encouraged her daughters to workout with her. At the same time, she practices healthy eating. 

Share something about your lifestyle transformation and fitness achievements for the past two years. How did you do it?
I’ve always had an active and balanced lifestyle. I exercise five to six times a week by running 6km each day on my treadmill, and I do online boxing and Pilates twice a week with Mitch. I do my best to watch what I eat, and I am mindful of my portions. I also aim to become stronger.

During the pandemic, my best fitness achievement is getting my daughters to exercise regularly with me. I saw how they got stronger and ran faster throughout the pandemic.

Online fitness classes were much easier to schedule: We didn’t have to contend with traffic. My husband also wakes up early to run each day. We set up one room in our house as a gym so that the whole family could get active.

What difficulties did you encounter? How were you able to conquer the challenges brought about by this pandemic?
The pandemic blurred the lines between work and home, so it was hard to manage my fitness schedule since  I could have work meetings in the evenings. Other challenges included maintaining a regular fitness schedule while traveling, when getting sick or vaccinated, or when I just felt lazy. There will be days when exercise is not possible. I learned that you have to be flexible and not make too many excuses. I also wear a Fitbit, so I am constantly reminded to get more steps in.

Please share the most powerful lifestyle lessons and realizations you had from this pandemic.
Healthy living is a lifestyle choice, not just for myself but also for my family. For years, I have told my husband that he and I needed to eat healthily and exercise regularly to have many more healthy years together. Now that our daughters are growing up, I am happy to see them embracing a healthy lifestyle too. A healthy lifestyle does not only make you physically strong but also improves your mental and spiritual well-being.

Sonny Angara, 49, Senator and Tootsy Angara, 46, Cluster Head for Sales, ABS-CBN

I started training Tootsy at home 13 years ago. We didn’t stop our workouts ever since, except when she got pregnant with her youngest, Javier. Eventually, Sonny joined her with some of our face-to-face sessions, and even today, they are still very consistent with our workouts. Through the years, I’ve seen how they transformed their lifestyle and how they make healthy living a family affair.

Share something about your lifestyle transformation and fitness achievements for the past two years. How did you do it as a couple?
We’ve been regularly exercising together with Mitch, combined with a personalized health and nutrition program (PH360) with Armand Mendoza. We go to bed earlier now and make sure that we get enough sleep. We also keep a positive outlook in life and focus on feeling blessed every day.

What difficulties did you encounter? How were you able to conquer the challenges brought about by this pandemic?
Not being able to workout that much, like playing basketball (Sonny) regularly and the temptation to eat more by being at home more often now than before. We conquered it with our willpower and discipline by exercising consistently (at least three times a week) and finding healthier food replacements (shirataki rice, almond bread, avocado oil) for the “bad stuff” (chips, sweets, processed foods)

Please share the most powerful lifestyle lessons and realizations you had from this pandemic.
When you’re younger, you can get away with a bad diet [if you] exercise, but as you get older, it’s equally important. 
Working out together is so much more fun! It’s much easier to achieve your fitness goals when you’re doing it together.

Gianina Dayrit, 49, Businesswoman

Gianina started joining my Zoom classes last September 2020. She’s one of my most consistent and motivated students. I always see her positive drive and eagerness to workout, even if we are just online. She’s always concerned about eating healthy, staying consistent with workouts, and avoiding injuries to get her desired fitness results.

Share something about your lifestyle transformation and fitness achievements for the past two years. How did you do it?
I am happy to have found Mitch in 2020. My biggest lifestyle transformation was getting up almost every day to workout and sticking to the program. I found something I enjoy doing and haven’t missed a week since I started.

What difficulties did you encounter? How were you able to conquer the challenges brought about by this pandemic?
It is challenging to stay active when you are stuck at home. You don’t move as much, and you are more sedentary. I have been used to doing my 10,000 steps daily, but I wasn’t moving as much in the pandemic. Thank God for Zoom classes. They kept me going.

I also discovered all these yummy desserts in lockdown. That was a major challenge to say no to, so I focused on potion control.

Please share the most powerful lifestyle lessons and realizations you had from this pandemic.
Find something you love doing, so you stick to it. Also, rest when your body tells you to.

Tinky Locsin, 46, Travel Designer

Before the pandemic started, Tinky used to join my small group Pilates, strength, cardio, and core classes in B+B Studio. When the pandemic started, she asked me to see her twice a week at 6:15 am, and until now, she remains consistent with our schedule. I always get inspired by her discipline and motivation to wake up early in the morning, either to see me online or to workout on her own.

Share something about your lifestyle transformation and fitness achievements for the past two years. How did you do it?
Healthy lifestyle habits like working out every day, reading food labels more often, voiding too much snacking, and eating a lot of vegetables and healthy grains, but still indulging in fun food! 

What difficulties did you encounter? How were you able to conquer the challenges brought about by this pandemic?
Not being able to go outside during strict lockdown. So I did online workout sessions with Mitch twice a week, used various workout apps for HIIT training and mind-body exercises, and used the stairs in our condo. Right now, I incorporate brisk walking, swimming, and yoga in my weekly exercise routine.

Please share the most powerful lifestyle lessons and realizations you had from this pandemic.
Read food labels! Workout and stay active every day, even if it’s just 30 minutes. Every day is a new day.

Cristina R. Caguioa, 49, Medical Doctor

I do a combined lifestyle coaching and personal training session with Tina once a week since the start of the pandemic. I also see her three times a week during my morning online Zoom classes. She’s very consistent with exercise, and she makes time and effort to prepare her healthy foods even if she’s back to seeing her patients face to face now. Until now, she’s still maintaining her healthy lifestyle habits and weight management result.

Share something about your lifestyle transformation and fitness achievements for the past two years. How did you do it?
I lost 20 pounds and six inches off my waistline and sustain the results so far. Now, I can easily climb up and down the stairs without feeling fatigued. I reached my goal through healthy eating ( green smoothies, more seafood, and vegetables), avoiding stress from work (work from home), and sleeping at least eight hours a day. I still manage to do cardio and strength training at least three times a week and twice a week of Pilates and swimming.

What difficulties did you encounter? How were you able to conquer the challenges brought about by this pandemic?
I find it difficult to lose/maintain weight and gain muscles at this age. I have to focus more on improving my eating habits and cutting down on alcohol and sweets. I have to be consistent with my workouts. It should always be a cardio, core, and strength training variation.

Please share the most powerful lifestyle lessons and realizations you had from this pandemic.
There are no shortcuts to reaching your goals. It should always be a good balance of healthy diet and exercise plus a positive mindset.

Ana Gloria, 48, Writer

I’ve known Ana for almost two decades now, and she’s always there to join my classes wherever I go. Her contagious energy and passion for fun and challenging workouts always drive me to push myself more during my group classes (face-to-face and online). The pandemic didn’t stop her from exercising. She can work out on her own when I don’t see her, and she will always find ways to move even she’s on vacation. 

Share something about your lifestyle transformation and fitness achievements for the past two years. How did you do it?
I was able to exercise continuously for the past two years by keeping a regular fitness schedule and showing up religiously when it was time to exercise.

What difficulties did you encounter? How were you able to conquer the challenges brought about by this pandemic?
It was challenging to get up, be active, and work out when it was so much easier to take it easy. I overcame the lazy urges by not giving it too much thought and just showing up!

Please share the most powerful lifestyle lessons and realizations you had from this pandemic.
Healthy living is a mindset and a conscious choice.

Claudia Tambunting, 54, President, BISMAC

I’ve been training Claudia three times a week for almost 12 years. She’s one of my most obedient, fun, and consistent students. I always look forward to our sessions because we discuss everything under the sun, even while exercising (face-to-face or online). She will always make time to see me via Zoom to adjust her schedule even when she’s out of the country with a different time zone.

Share something about your lifestyle transformation and fitness achievements for the past two years. How did you do it?
I managed my weight and workout consistently three times a week for the past two years. 

I realized that Zoom could be a very efficient way of exercising because there’s no need to drive to a gym. I do miss face to face with Mitch, but we still manage to chat when I am doing less vigorous exercise. I also have seen a stricter Mitch who pushes me to achieve more, and I appreciate that! I enjoy our sessions and make it a point not to be absent. I feel stronger as a result and appreciate her dedication. I sometimes hear her in my head when I’m eating but manage to put her on mute sometimes. 

What difficulties did you encounter? How were you able to conquer the challenges brought about by this pandemic?
I found the pandemic in The Philippines was very stifling. We were even banned from walking our dogs in the street. Runners, bikers, and walkers had to exercise outdoor with masks on whether or not there were people nearby. But exercise sessions with Mitch became my hour of the day to look forward to despite the pandemic restrictions.

Please share the most powerful lifestyle lessons and realizations you had from this pandemic.
Life goes on even in a pandemic, and we adapt by finding “other” ways to make a new normal.

Lizzie Eder Zobel, 56, Chairman, Teach for the Philippines

Lizzie does cardio, strength, and core workouts with me two to three times a week (alone or with her friend) since July 2020. The pandemic didn’t stop her from moving. I am always inspired by her strong and lean body, positive vibe, and strong determination always to stay healthy.

Share something about your lifestyle transformation and fitness achievements for the past two years. How did you do it?
Exercising every day, which I did not do before! Now, I join my friend, Cara, with her morning workouts with Mitch twice a week, Pilates twice a week, functional movement sessions twice a week, and walking for my cardio on most days of the week and when I am away.

What difficulties did you encounter? How were you able to conquer the challenges brought about by this pandemic?
Isolation became a very big challenge for a lot of people— especially the young and elderly. I relied on my husband, kids, and friends to navigate the confusion we all felt initially as we were all trying to figure out how to keep safe and healthy. My biggest challenge was getting reliable and relevant information that would help me follow the health safety protocols.

Please share the most powerful lifestyle lesson and realization you had from this pandemic.
Light dinner is better for me, and making exercise a priority and not an option.


Email the author at [email protected] or follow her on Instagram @mitchfelipemendoza

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