Preen Asks: What Are Your Plans for Valentine's Day? | Lifestyle.INQ

OCTOBER 27, 2022

valentine's day screencap

Just like any occasion, everyone celebrates Valentine’s Day differently. We’d like to believe that not every couple goes to candle-lit dinners and singles don’t mope from morning to evening (at least, we hope they don’t). Regardless of relationship status, we can all think of various ways to spend this day.

To further prove this, we asked around our workplace on their plans for Valentine’s Day. What we got are work-related activities, trips to Art Fair, and quality time with either their partners or friends.

“I will work. Give something nice to my sister and probably call one of my close single friends. ” —Olivia Estrada, editorial assistant,

“I’m going to meet up with friends from Bacolod. We’ll have dinner at someone’s home and drink wine. Also, go to meetings, watch a movie, and go to Art Fair.” —Liza Jison, account executive

“Probably [go to] an art show. I think Silverlens has a new show.” —Bea Ledesma, group publisher

“I honestly do not know because my boyfriend and I don’t really celebrate Valentine’s.  We’ll probably stay in, have some popcorn, and watch People V. OJ Simpson on Netflix. How romantic! [Laughs]” —Jacque De Borja, managing editor,

“I don’t really have plans, just go to work. [Laughs] Maybe I’ll treat my friends once I get my salary.” —Nicole Uson, brand marketing assistant

“I’m currently in a long-distance relationship, so maybe just call or Skype [with my boyfriend.] Other than that, just a regular day at the office and I’ll also go to Art Fair.” —Abby Ginaga, senior account executive

“Just work because I don’t have a date. Oh, and go somewhere for Art Fair.” —Pau Miranda, associate editor,

“Do the laundry and go to work. #housebandgoals” —Yayie Motos, graphic artist, and Cebu Living

“I’ll just go to work and maybe eat outside. I don’t know [if my boyfriend and I will go anywhere] because he didn’t tell me if he has anything planned out. [Laughs]” —Jullia Pecayo, executive assistant

“No plans…unless someone calls. I’m working tomorrow and I might meet someone, it depends if he calls. If he doesn’t, then I’ll just watch Netflix at home. I don’t really celebrate it, I just go with whatever happens.” —Patrick Segovia, photographer

“I plan to stay away from the traffic and be home early.” —Ria Prieto, editor-in-chief, RED Magazine

“I don’t really have plans. Just do a shoot with Ronnie Alonte for Scout.” —Lex Celera, editorial assistant, Scout Magazine

“Go out and have dinner. Wine night, to be exact.” —Roi De Castro, marketing graphic designer

“I’ll have dinner with my boyfriend at Foundry. It’s a steak place by Smith Butcher and Grill Room, where we spent our anniversary. [We decided to go to Foundry for Valentine’s Day] because it’s a really good steakhouse as well.” —Tisha Ramirez, editorial assistant, RED Magazine

“I don’t want to go to the mall because it’s crowded. Instead, [my boyfriend and I] are going to hang out in a hammock on the rooftop of his apartment and watch a movie.” —Ina Rodriguez, brand marketing supervisor

“We’ll have dinner at 12/10 and go to Art Fair. That’s all.” —Danica Condez, graphic artist, Northern and Southern Living

“I’m single, so my siblings and I might go out on Valentine’s Day.” —Ernest Sapitula, disbursement analyst


Screencap from Valentine’s Day

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