Finish your 2022 strong: How to nourish your well-being and avoid health issues between Christmas Eve and New Year’s Day | Lifestyle.INQ

Studies have shown how this crucial period from Christmas Eve to New Year’s day can lead to heart issues (stroke and heart attack). You can also gain weight by overindulging in holiday feasts and food gifts for even just a week. Aside from that, your immune system can get low because of stress and lack of sleep. The final week of 2022 can be stressful or rewarding, depending on how you will plan your days. So always wake up with gladness and be grateful for the gift of health. You always have an opportunity to enjoy and live life to the fullest. Don’t take things for granted. Continue to take good care of your health for maximum productivity (physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually) so you can embrace the New Year strong and happy.

Beat the holiday stress

Work, traffic, holiday shopping, late-night gatherings, financial issues, illnesses, and family obligations could have stressed you out. You still have time to manage your stress so you can fully enjoy the remaining days of this year.

  • Schedule your activities (shopping, food preparation, exercise, sleep, celebrations, travel time, work, recreation, errands, family bonding, and other meetings) for the whole week by writing everything down and updating your calendar.
  • Lack of sleep from social gatherings, Misa de Gallo, and year-end workload can negatively affect your moods and productivity. Catch up on sleep to regain energy so you can focus on finishing the most crucial tasks for the last week of this year. Get afternoon naps on December 24 and 31 to allow more energy for Noche Buena (Christmas Eve) and Media Noche (New Year’s Eve). Lack of sleep during midnight celebrations can negatively affect your immune system and overall health.
  • Give yourself time to destress for at least a day or two by getting a massage, spending time for your favorite exercise, watching a movie, booking a relaxing staycation, or exploring nature.

Try your best to exercise this week

Don’t wait until January 1 to start your exercise routine. Exercising during the last week of this year can condition your mind and body to face the New Year with a solid focus. Lack of movement can weaken your control over food, make you more sluggish, and increase your stress level.

  • Your holiday workout depends on your goals at the moment. If you have enough time and energy, you can continue your routine to keep you in shape or try new exercises that can motivate you to do more next year.
  • If you want to take a break from your routine, explore other activities that can also recharge your mind and body, such as hiking or yoga.

If you are just at home or out of town, do this full-body cardio, strength, and core sequence:

1. Warm up for 3-5 minutes by doing brisk walks, marching in place, or dancing and adding arm swings, leg lifts, and torso rotation to reduce the risk of injuries and prepare your body for the main workout.

2. Perform 30 to 45 minutes per exercise and rest for 15 to 30 seconds.

Set 1 (3-5 minutes, 1-2 sets)

  • Cardio: Jog in place, skip rope or climb up and down the stairs
  • Strength: Squat
  • Core: Basic crunch or seated knee tuck (Put your hands behind scoop your abs as you bring your knees up towards your chest)

Set 2 (3-5 minutes, 1-2 sets)

  • Cardio: Jumping jacks, high knee jogs, or alternating knee lifts (lift one leg as your raise your arms up
  • Strength: Push-ups on knees or toes on the floor or hands on top of a chair, bed, or bench
  • Core: Plank on hands or forearms/ on toes (or on knees)

Set 3 (3-5 minutes, 1-2 sets)

  • Cardio: Punches or kicks 
  • Strength: Reverse lunge (bend both knees as you step one leg back, then switch sides)
  • Core: Supine bridge (lift your buttocks with knees bent and feet flat on the floor)

3. Cool down for 3- 5 minutes by doing flexibility exercises for the torso, lower body, and upper body, holding the stretch for 15 seconds.

Enjoy, but eat in moderation

Eating late at night during Noche Buena and Media Noche can harm your health, especially if you have existing medical conditions such as heart problems, digestive issues, and diabetes. Be fully aware of your sleep time, food portions, and quality.

  • Use healthier ingredients for your usual celebration meals. Use non-fat milk, yogurt, and avocado instead of mayonnaise, condensed milk, and heavy cream for salad dressings and sauces.
  • Add vegetables to your pasta dishes like kale, broccoli, tomato, carrot, red pepper, carrot, mushroom, and squash.
  • Instead of deep frying, roast, grill, boil or bake your seafood chicken and meat dishes.
  • You can prepare your usual feast meals, but make sure to include vegetable dishes like salad, fresh vegetable spring roll, or sautéed mixed veggies.  
  • You can prepare your favorite whole fruits or/and make a mixed fresh fruit salad as a healthier food alternative for desserts.
  • Try to eat one plate of food, having a small serving (a tablespoon each) of your favorite dishes like rice, pasta, ham, chicken, fish, dessert, and bigger servings of vegetables.
  • Limit alcohol intake to less than three servings per night to get good quality sleep and avoid a hangover the next day. 
  • Eat slowly and mindfully to enjoy the celebration while avoiding that uncomfortable feeling of getting super full. 
  • Walk around, do household chores, dance, or play with your kids after eating to regulate your blood sugar.
  • Wait at least two to three hours after eating before you go to sleep to properly digest the food, to sleep well, and to avoid digestive problems at night, such as upset stomach, acid reflux, and heartburn.

Make time to build strong relationships

Feel emotionally well by fully connecting with your loved ones, and setting aside thoughts about work and other unimportant issues that can wait. Happy moments with your loved ones can relieve you from stress and negative thoughts.

  • Fully bond with your loved ones on Christmas and New Year’s Day while having fun- laughing, singing, dancing, and playing games together.
  • Do something precious for your family during your short break this coming week. You can cook a healthy breakfast for everyone or watch a concert/movie with them.
  • Surprise your partner with a date night, a workout date, or an adventure trip where you can fully realize your precious time together again without distractions, away from chores, errands, family responsibilities, and other daily life hassles.
  • Try online chats to bring your long-distance friends and relatives closer to you.
  • If you are traveling this week with your loved ones, take advantage of the opportunity to explore new places, try new adventures and entertainment and eat good foods.

Review your whole year and reset for the new year

Spend time to evaluate your year, reflect on the good things that happened, and things you still need to work on to create a better year that can make you stronger, happier, and healthier.

  • Checking your financial status, managing your expenses, and paying your bills are part of financial wellness that can affect your overall well-being. How much money are you willing to allot for your household and family expenses, monthly food budget, fitness, vacation, gifts, clothing, self-care, education, health (medical, medications, supplements, health professional fees, health insurance), investments, charity, debts, and other projects? Analyze and plan more ways to increase your income this coming year.
  • Schedule your medical check-up as early as now so you can effectively set goals for your health and fitness. Get a basic health screening that involves blood tests (for sugar, cholesterol, blood count, kidney and liver functions), body composition screening (weight and body fat percentage), and physical examination with a physician. The health results can help you plan the correct amount and intensity of physical activities you need to do, the right type and amount of food you need to consume, and the medications and supplements you need to take to improve your overall health. 
  • You can also schedule an assessment and coaching session with a health and lifestyle coach for a more specific exercise program and lifestyle modification plan.
  • What are the things you need to improve on for this coming year? Focus on creating ways to achieve a more balanced life (achieving your best health, maximizing your potential while experiencing happiness) so that other goals can be easily achieved such as weight loss.
  • Take some time to breathe, meditate and pray. Count your blessings. Express your gratitude by doing what you can to nourish your heart, mind, and body so you can give more, and share what you know and what you have. Be inspired by all the positive things that happened to you. Empower yourself to start 2023 with gladness and excitement.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!


Email the author at or follow/message her on Instagram @mitchfelipemendoza

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