MANILA, Philippines—Sometimes, speaking up is not enough to make things work. In business, it is necessary that one delivers with clarity, brevity and impact.
The thing is, one’s educational attainment, or even years of work experience, doesn’t always guarantee a person of enough communication skills to express intelligent ideas.
As a response to this, People Ignite brings to the Philippines an international program that aims to train Filipinos to communicate clearly, concisely and persuasively.

“Be brief, be clear, be memorable. Think on Your Feet is the only program that helps you when you’re face-to-face or put on the spot with your clients, bosses or peers,” communications coach Ken Everett said during a press conference held recently.
Everett, a coach for 20 years, said the Think on Your Feet program is a two-day workshop, which also focuses on thought organization, adding that it also optimizes informal conversations which form 90 percent of interactions in business and work settings.
The program has reached 30 countries across north and south America, Asia, Europe and Africa, with 10 language translations.
Originally from Australia, People Ignite localizes the international module in a way that fits the business setting in the Philippines. Think on Your Feet training module offers a 140-page workbook.
“We wish to bring the program here in our own country so we can help Filipino professionals in achieving clarity, brevity ad impact in communicating,” accredited program trainer Rose Ocampo of People Ignite said.
For her part, likewise program trainer JV Wong claimed to have seen the impact of the program to professionals, noting that the training is 70 percent practice and feedback, and 30 percent sharing of techniques and theories.
The program features the “capsules-of-persuation” concept, which identifies 10 plans by how ideas can be structured quickly with impact.
For more information, visit, or contact People Ignite via email at [email protected], or via telephone at (+632) 887 5630.