“There’s a vast supply of talented musicians out there,” says Wolfgang front man and newly christened solo artist Basti Artadi (he’s set to come out with his first solo album titled “Basti Artadi” this August).
Mid-sentence, the speakers begin blaring and Basti rushes inside the house to find his little daughter paralyzed in a mix of shock and fear by the loud music.
“She turned the volume up out of nowhere!” laughs Basti as he returns to the interview’s setting. “I had to get her, she looked so kawawa.”
After two decades of being in the music industry, it appears the well-loved band member of Wolfgang has taken on two new different roles: that of a father and a solo artist.
“I’ve had these songs for almost eight years but couldn’t find the right guys to make it with,” says Basti of his album, “then a few months ago, chance circumstances led to the right folks and we recorded the whole album in two days—not even kidding.”
With his debut song, “Last Goodbye,” Basti allows audiences to encounter a growth in his artistry. “It’s completely different from what everyone has been hearing me do but everyone’s been so positive, I couldn’t be happier.”
“My most important part of the day starts at 11 o’clock,” begins Basti, “that’s when I take my girls to school and after that I’ll either be writing e-mails or a song. Then at 2 o’clock, the second most important part of my day comes, which is when I pick up my girls and bring them home.”
Newly emerged from slumber, Basti’s little twin ladies, as if on cue, take a curious peek at their dad and run away giggling. “That’s usually my day,” says Basti, “after all that, if there’s a gig, I usually head out to play.”
For information on Basti Artadi’s new album or other concerns, contact Gina Godinez of Fullhouse Asia at www.fullhouseasia.com