New Year’s resolutions should be practical, realistic | Lifestyle.INQ

OCTOBER 27, 2022

A quick Google search on the phrase “New Year’s Resolution” yielded over 65 million results in 0.42 seconds.

Almost midway into January 2018, I’m still thinking about resolutions and considering the whole month fair game for vows and plans.

I went through my 2017 list. While I managed to check off an item or two, a number were completely untouched and still as relevant and necessary in my life. So, I thought about not making any new resolutions for 2018 until I actually accomplish the previous ones.

I want to make sure that by the end of 2018, I will have crossed out my entire list (very ambitious and optimistic!). To make that happen, I’d have to make it a practical and realistic list.

Reframing a goal

First is to review previously unfulfilled resolutions. It doesn’t make sense to keep having the same things year after year, only to leave them unfinished every single time.

To avoid this, try reframing a certain goal. For instance, if it is to stop procrastinating, making a specific game plan may be easier to fulfill than a generic catch-all that is more difficult because there are no actual steps involved.

By putting specific steps to reach the goal, such as waking up half an hour earlier every day, completing tasks on the day you receive an order (as opposed to beating the deadline), making sure to leave an hour before any appointment, makes completion a simple alarm on one’s phone.

“Sharing is caring” can very well be applied here. Sharing your resolutions with people who genuinely care for you can help you accomplish more. Your loved ones can cheer you on, remove temptation, and hold you accountable to what you have actually expressed and said out loud, rather than a quiet goal in your mind that nobody knows about and which you can drop anytime.


Make use of technology. While others are resolving to use less of it, I want to utilize some of it.

There are countless apps that one can use—for instance, resolving to give more time to one’s fitness and health through a wearable technology that will track your daily steps and the amount of water you drink. It’s not much but it’s a start, and more effective than an unused monthly membership at a gym.

Another tip is to use the right motivation. While some people thrive on pressure to get things done, others need a little reward here and there to celebrate small triumphs and major milestones. In my case, I’ve come to realize that I’m a combination of both.

However, this year, I will work on using pressure from within, or better yet, the pressure of a personal reward, to motivate me instead of external pressure.

And, last but not the least, is to improvise and be ready to go with the flow. Sometimes, things don’t work out the way they are supposed to, and rather than resisting and forcing things a certain way, I will take a step back to see where I should really be going and whether I should continue something or, to quote Disney’s most famous princess yet, “Let it go!” and try a new way.

Of course, it’s easier said than done, but it’s always better to go in a certain direction rather than to drive aimlessly around. Hopefully, we will see each other at the finish line with a big smile on our faces for a year well lived. And so, here we go, 2018, I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us!

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