Dr. Hassan Chamas, a business professor in the Lebanese International University in Beqaa Valley, Lebanon puts the “goals” in #professorgoals, as seen through his kind gesture towards one of his students.
Dr. Chamas earned his PhD in the University of Bradford in England, but holds business lectures in numerous universities in his home region Lebanon. In one of his recent business master class lectures, a student of his brought her baby to class; the baby, however, started crying, and that was when Dr. Chamas decided to step in.
“One of the students in the MBA was obliged to bring her baby to class so she can attend today’s lecture,” recalled Chamas on his Facebook account on March 6. “The baby started crying so I took him from his mom and continued the lecture while I was holding him. The baby fell asleep on my shoulder.”

In the pictures, Dr. Chamas is seen holding the baby gently as he continued his lecture. The baby soon stopped crying and listened to Dr. Chamas, before eventually falling asleep on his shoulder.

It didn’t take long until Dr. Chamas’ post went viral and received positive words from well-wishers and admirers worldwide. Due to to the number of praises and messages he has received, Dr. Chamas was not able to reply to each and every one of them, but he expressed through a post four days ago his appreciation.
“I am really sorry for not being able to respond to all of your comments,” wrote Dr. Chamas. “But I highly appreciate your support and kind words it’s more than what I deserve and I didn’t even expect the story will go viral to that extent.”

Dr. Chamas ended his short message by expressing his admiration for mothers and women, saying they deserve all the support they can get: “I think moms and women deserve from us all the encouragement and support for what they are doing. Kind regards.” JB
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