In light of Hyuna getting flak for her less than modest outfit at the Seoul Waterbomb Festival, I thought I’d put together a Hyuna-inspired shopping list for anyone who wouldn’t mind a basher or two while living out their K-pop fantasy.
Fig. 1: Rainbow is the new black
It’s August and corporations are done cashing in on the seasonal Pride, but full-spectrum fun can be year-round, too.

Fig. 2: Don’t think, just shoot!
Green slides are probably the last thing you’d think of to wear with a sensible leopard print dress, but when you’re out and about snapping with your Lomo disposable, you need to look the part of an analog revival hipster.

Fig. 3: Looked cute, might do groceries later
Ah, retail heaven! A pair of chunky marshmallow fluff sneakers should be enough to weigh you down and prevent the tempting jaunt to the American chips aisle.

Fig. 4: Everyday is Mathilda cosplay day
Tailing a hitman, optional.
