3 top tips on choosing cold weather running gear
As we head into the cold months of the year, now is a good time for runners to think about how to choose their kit to keep warm and prevent injury.
As we head into the cold months of the year, now is a good time for runners to think about how to choose their kit to keep warm and prevent injury.
Pejic, who was born in Bosnia and Herzegovina as “Andrej Pejic” and later moved to Australia, first shot to fame back in 2010.
The show also examines artists who have taken an interest in color theory and the psychological effects of color, manipulating hues to trigger particular responses in viewers.
Choose from these 3 looks: unicorn, vamp, or simply scary.
I have been taking the LRT Line 1 from Caloocan to Manila for five years already. While I like taking the train in its lull hours, I despise riding it during
By Celene Sakurako Following their official statement about cancelling Ducktail’s gig in Manila, due to rape allegations surrounding Matthew Mondanile, the Sleeping Boy Collective (SBC) has emailed all ticket-buyers with how
Another day, another witty Tita Krissy post to marvel at. While we were all getting ready for a night out last Friday, Kris Aquino was busy facing down another basher
The scientists found there was an interaction between two anti-cancer compounds in the fungus cordyceps militaris.
A floral tea dress has long been championed as a demure yet laid-back wardrobe staple by the likes of Kate Middleton.
Lex, editor in chief, @lexcereal Enimal’s “The 1991 Collection” – The Laguna-based brand just released their latest collection a few days ago, and I’m particularly interested in their Union Rugby
The latest in global fashion, beauty, and culture through a contemporary Filipino perspective.