February 20, 2018 | Lifestyle.INQ

Day: February 20, 2018

The Haruki Murakami Festival is coming to Manila

If you’ve ever found yourself immersed in the fictional fantasy worlds and cultural goldmines born from the mastermind of contemporary novelist Haruki Murakami, you’re in for a treat. Fans of the Japanese novelist—aptly called “Harukists” (yes, they’re a thing)—can now experience his literary oeuvre in the flesh. Brough to us by the Japan Foundation Manila, The Haruki Murakami Festival is happening this month until March. Spread across six days, the festival will be split into three segments: Talk, Watch, and Listen.

The first leg, Talk, is set to take place on February 27 at the Ateneo de Manila University, and March 17 and 18 at Fully Booked, Bonifacio Global City. Headed by literary experts such as ADMU English professor Alona Guevarra, Julz Riddle, Frank Cimatu, and more, Talk discusses everything Murakami—from his global appeal and popularity, to his themes, writing style, and passion for running that inspired “What I Talk About When I Talk About Running.”

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Green is the new black: Easy ways you can live a more sustainable lifestyle

Sustainability—we hear this term more often like a buzz word nowadays. ‘Sustainable design,’ ‘sustainable clothing,’ ‘sustainable industries’ are all the stuff of TED Talks and rallies around the world—and for good reason! So before you write it off as just another 2017 trend in the same realm as veganism, crossfit, and avocado toast, sustainable living is actually a lot easier to do than you think.

Gimmicks aside, all it really means is living as waste-free as you can. And If you’re still out here thinking, “why should I give a shit when I’m just one person in the grander scheme of things?,” consider this. By recycling just one glass bottle, you save enough electricity to power a 100-watt bulb for four hours while saving one aluminum can can run your TV for six hours, according to Go Green Initiative. Still not convinced even when all you have to do is literally step your foot outside and FEEL the climate change? A quick Google search for a carbon footprint calculator will tell you the exact impact you are making on the environment. This tool estimates the CO2 emissions which your daily activities cause — from the electricity your household consumes and the gas your car needs, to the flights you take, and more. But you don’t need a calculator to tell you that it’s probably a lot.

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