Can we talk to the dead? | Lifestyle.INQ

Is it possible for us to communicate with or get messages from the spirits of the dead and to verify such information?


The answer is a loud yes, according to spiritists, mediums and psychics. Some psychic researchers have even asserted that there is actually no gap between the living and the dead. The dead are still with us, but in spirit form. Only the physical body dies—not their spirit and consciousness.


Despite numerous empirical evidence of survival after death, mainstream scientists are still reluctant to accept such an idea. They believe that death ends everything, and nothing survives after that.


Although all Christians believe that man’s spirit survives after death, they refuse to believe that the dead can come back to communicate with the living. They argue that it is the devil that people are contacting, and not really the spirits of their dead relatives.


It may therefore surprise these Christian followers that even the Bible gives proof that it is possible to talk to the dead. This is written in Book I of Samuel in the Old Testament (28:1-28), where King Saul asked a medium in Endor to summon the spirit of the prophet Samuel and succeeded in doing so.


Not only did the woman of Endor get Samuel’s reply to the king’s question, but even described how Samuel looked and how he was dressed. These facts convinced King Saul that it was indeed the prophet Samuel who appeared to the woman and gave a prophetic message to King Saul which all came to pass.


Is it possible then to learn how to contact the spirit of the dead? And is it safe to do so?


The answer is yes, and in fact, we have invited a well-known American medium and teacher, Stephen Hermann, to come to the Philippines in mid-November to conduct a two-day seminar on mediumship and spirit communication for interested individuals.




Rev. Hermann has impressive credentials. He has given demonstrations of his mediumship skill on TV and radio worldwide, which have been documented by the Associated Press. A former research medium for the University of Virginia, Rev. Hermann’s mediumship is the subject of a book published in Macedonia.


He is able to provide firsthand proof that life after death exists by giving specific messages containing names, dates and places known only to the individuals concerned.


According to Rev. Hermann, “As a medium, I am able to mentally see, hear and sense persons in the spirit dimension and convey messages from them to people in the physical world. Although I use my psychic ability to receive communications from the spirit world, I am not a psychic reader or a fortune teller. My sessions are purely mediumistic, with focus on spiritual guidance and evidential messages from recognizable personalities in the spirit world.”


He confessed that he cannot call up particular spirits, but is able to describe the spirit who is with the individual audience at the time.


I know for a fact that it is possible to communicate with and receive messages from the spirit world, because I have experienced this several times in the past. Such messages were confirmed by recipients to be true and meaningful to them.


In the Philippines, there are many spiritist centers, especially in Tarlac, Pangasinan and the Ilocos region. And they teach members how to contact the spirit world after long study on how to become a medium.


Rev. Hermann will teach the fundamentals of mediumship and spirit communication on Nov. 16 and 17, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., at Prince Plaza I, Penthouse Function Room, Legaspi St., Legaspi Village, Makati City.


Although the two-day seminar has a fee, Rev. Hermann will give a free demonstration of his mediumship skills on Nov. 15, 6 to 8:30 p.m., at the same venue. Interested individuals may call 8107245 or 0908-3537885 for more details.


My next seminar on Basic ESP and Intuition Development is on Oct. 19 to 20, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The “Everything about Ghosts” seminar is on Oct. 26, 9 a.m. to 12 noon, at Rm. 308 Prince Plaza I, 106 Legaspi St., Greenbelt, Makati City. For past life regression, personal consultancy and other paranormal services, call 8107245 or 0908-3537885.


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