Miracles or psychic powers? | Lifestyle.INQ
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Numerous books have been written about the god-man, Jesus the Christ, from so many angles, and yet we generally know very little about him.

Our knowledge of him comes almost exclusively from what has supposedly been written by his disciples, i.e., from the Gospels, and nowhere else.

No historian who lived during Jesus’ time, like Josephus and Tacitus, ever mentioned anyone seeing him, outside of what his followers have written about him.

This strikes me as rather strange, considering the many miracles he reportedly performed during his last three years of life on earth.

On the other hand, Buddha, who lived some 500 years before Christ, had a very detailed account of his life and times, including many eye witnesses.

From one point of view, the extraordinary deeds Jesus had done, were not miracles (defined as those that occur in opposition to natural laws), but occurred with the use of some yet unknown or largely untapped powers of the human mind, popularly known as psychic powers, sixth sense or ESP.

The last two terms are unfortunate choices. There is no such thing as a sixth sense or extra-sensory perception.

We have only five senses, not six. The so-called ESP or psychic power is simply the ability to use some yet unknown or unexplained powers of the human mind.

As the philosopher Dr. William James, father of modern psychology, said: “The average human being uses only 10 percent of his mental capacity.”

Jesus is the embodiment, or the most well-known example, of one who has developed his mental capacities to the fullest possible degree.

People regarded his works that time as “miracles” because no one seemed able to duplicate the things he had done (which, by the way, is not true).

Jesus himself said anyone can do the things he has done.

Details from the Bible

Among the extraordinary mental powers that Jesus Christ demonstrated, as narrated in the Bible, are: telepathy, clairvoyance, psychic healing, precognition, psychic reading, distant healing, levitation, casting out evil spirits, alchemy, telekinesis and even teleportation.

I can only define or describe a few of these psychic powers he displayed and where in the Bible these can be found.

If anyone says that such powers belong only to Jesus Christ because he is God and no ordinary man can do such things, he is mistaken because Jesus himself said in John 14:12, “All the works I have done you can do and much more than these.”

An example of psychically reading an unknown person like a book was demonstrated by Jesus Christ in his encounter with the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well.

When Jesus asked the Samaritan woman to go and call her husband, she replied that she had no husband.

Then Jesus said: “You are right in saying ‘I have no husband, for you have had five husbands and the one you have now is not your husband” (John 4:16-18).

The woman admitted that what Jesus said was true and told everybody about it.

Telepathy is the mental power or ability to transmit or receive thoughts without the use of one’s senses. Jesus demonstrated this power several times in the Gospels where it is written that “he knew men’s hearts” or when it says, “he knew what they were thinking” (Matthew 12:25).

Jesus showed so many ways of healing the sick without the use of drugs.

He made blind people see, the lame walk, the leper cleansed, the bleeding woman stop bleeding, the deaf hear and even the dead live again simply by the power of his mind.

Healing is not considered a sacrament (defined by Church doctrine as “an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace”).

Yet matrimony was declared a sacrament, although he was present at one only once, in the wedding at Cana.

I can’t help wondering why healing was never declared a sacrament by the Church.

Foretelling the future

Jesus foretold several events before they happened. For example, he told his disciples during the last supper that “one of you is going to betray me.” And Judas did. See Matthew (26:20-23).

Another example is when he told Peter, “Before the cock crows, you will deny me three times.” See Matthew (26:15). Isn’t this similar to what present-day fortune tellers or psychics do?

The power of levitation was demonstrated by Jesus when he walked on water. He told Peter to do the same, but Peter panicked after taking a few steps and almost drowned, had Jesus not pulled him out of the water.

Levitation may be defined as the ability or power to reverse one’s polarity in relation to earth and thereby rise.

Several saints, such as St. Joseph of Cupertino and also the British medium D.D. Home, have demonstrated powers of levitation.

There were several examples in the Gospels when Jesus exorcised or cast out evil spirits from people’s bodies.

He also gave his disciples the power to heal all forms of sickness and cast out evil spirits from them. See Mark 1:21-34.

Telekinesis can be defined as mind over matter, or the ability to move or affect physical objects by the power of one’s mind alone. Jesus Christ demonstrated this when he cursed the fig tree that did not bear fruit, and it withered and died. See Matthew (21:18-19).

He changed water into wine at the wedding in Cana. The ability or power to transform one substance into another is called alchemy—for example, changing silver into gold.

There were alchemists during the Middle Ages and at a later period who claimed they were able to do this.

Jesus demonstrated materialization at least two times when he fed 4,000 people, and on another occasion 5,000 people, with only a few available loaves of bread and two fish. See Matthew (14:16-23) and Mark (8:1-9).

Materialization is the power to produce something out of nothing.

Several Indian gurus have been documented to be able to materialize things out of nothing.

The same power is possessed by the well-known Israeli psychic, Uri Geller, and by our own Philippine faith healers.

There are many more examples of extraordinary mental powers demonstrated by Jesus Christ which can be found in the four Gospels.

He represents the next evolution of human consciousness. He was a model of what man can accomplish and what he can become—a god.

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