Frequently asked (wellness) questions | Lifestyle.INQ

Part 1


This isn’t a know-it-all, do-it-yourself guide to wellness. Because the landscape of health is continuously evolving, so, too, are the approaches. These are your frequently asked questions and the corresponding answers.


Q: Is there a natural cure for all ailments?


There should be. Because I believe in nutritional medicine (that is, healing benefits from food), then the answer must be yes. Before you try finding a cure the natural way, look for the cause of the symptoms. If you have a recurring condition, say for example, sinusitis, you could be allergic to certain substances, (like dust pollen, animal hair, cigarette smoke), have a deviated septum (misaligned nasal bone formation), or are sensitive to drafts, cold air, etc. If you don’t address the cause, the symptoms will always recur.


Nasal cleanse


Fill a medium-sized syringe (minus the needle) with saline solution (water mixed with ½ tsp rock/seasalt. Pump up one nostril while allowing the liquid to exit the other nostril. Repeat on the other side. Use lukewarm water, never cold or hot. This is an old Ayurvedic regimen. The immediate effect is a clearing of the nasal passages.


Other things to consider when tracking down the cause of an ailment are:


Genetic predisposition


Spine misalignment



Mineral/vitamin deficiency


Malnutrition/ undernutrition

Heavy metal toxicity


Q: Can you share your weight-loss secrets?


Here’s a fact: Most people who are thin eat a substantial breakfast. The first rule therefore is to have breakfast, and a nutritious one at that. Eating the right kind of foods gets your body burning fat. On the other hand, if you feast on high-fat foods, your body will retain fat and the result is weight gain.


Sample breakfast: fresh fruits, hard- boiled/scrambled egg, sardines/lean meat, chicken or fish, brown/red rice or high-fiber bread.


Eat raw, fresh salad two to three times daily.


Consume one or two apples a day before meals.


Drink 1 tsp extra-virgin, cold-pressed coconut oil on an empty stomach before breakfast and dinner. VCO normalizes acid reflux and speeds up metabolism.


Add acidophilus and digestive enzymes to your eating habits. They both contribute to weight loss. Any gas, bloating or underdigestion you experienced before will vanish. Those with protruding tummies will see dramatic results within the first two weeks.


Try drinking three cups of Yerba Mate tea daily. It suppresses the appetite.


Cut back on carbohydrates and sweets, especially at night.


Drink one to two glasses of water 30 minutes before a meal.


Take one to two teaspoons of Chia seeds, 30 minutes before a meal. These guarantee suppression of appetite, lowering of cholesterol and regular bowel movement. Chia is a flowering plant from the mint family. Cultured by the Aztecs, it is still used to this day as a food crop in Guatemala.

Nutritional content: manganese, calcium, protein, phosphorus, sodium, fiber. Use it as a topping for fruits, oatmeal and juices.


Q: How can I have a radiant complexion?


The only way to achieve great skin is to address it from the inside out. Trust me on this. Being the largest detoxification organ in the body, the skin reflects anything and everything you consume.


Go green immediately. Eat as much raw fresh vegetables and fruits as possible. You need to get enzymes—this is your real secret. And you can only source this from fresh greens and fruits.


Increase your antioxidant power by taking a vitamin-mineral supplement. Take one capsule of cod liver oil daily. It moisturizes your skin. Your sweat glands need a workout, so exercise daily.


Get six to eight hours of sleep.


Cut back on sugary, refined foods.


Stop frowning and start smiling.


Manage your stress whether physical, emotional or mental.


Q: Is there a remedy for thinning or falling hair?

The original thinking is that the culprit is your genetic predisposition.

Today, this only accounts for 50 percent of the problem. Other health experts say 30 percent. Now this is good news.


Yes, there is a remedy.


Aloe vera, the miracle plant can contribute to scalp health. Rub a freshly picked stem from the plant, peel it well and rub the clear, gel-like substance on your scalp. Leave on for 30 minutes, then rinse.


Virgin coconut oil (VCO)—has been used for many generations to ensure a thick, healthy head of hair. Once a week, apply it as a scalp mask. Wear a shower cap. Leave on for an hour. Shampoo and rinse.


Freshly squeezed coconut milk works wonders on the scalp and hair. Rub it and comb it through. Do this ritual once a week.


Chelated zinc—One tablet (8-10 mg) daily after a full meal can be helpful. Immediate results include a dramatic lessening of falling hair and thickening of the hair shaft.


Lysine—A healthy dose is considered to be anywhere from 1-1.5 g, taken in supplement form or from food. It is best found in fish, legumes and some whole grains.


Hair tonics—There are several natural hair tonics in the market that can help you. Consider Novuhair, the all-natural cocktail that includes an effective combination of aloe vera, biotin, VCO peppermint. Testimonials have been positive (call 9289969).


Today’s affirmation: “I am strong.”


Love and light!

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