It’s all in your head | Lifestyle.INQ

OCTOBER 27, 2022

Thank you, Dr. Eric Braverman, MD, author of “Younger You.”  Finally, we have found the road to the fountain of youth.


A whole is made up of parts.  And every part contributes to the whole.  According to this good doctor’s thinking, illness is never a single and separate issue, because all diseases are associated with other ailing parts of the body.


Called the domino effect, it simply states that if sickness begins in the brain, then it can make the body sick.  But the reverse is also true—if it starts in the body, it can make the brain sick.  Now, here is the crux of the matter.


Any disease is a signal that you have an aging organ.  And this organ sends signals to the rest of your body with bad news.  Example:  You are a diabetic.  But there is a possibility that other body parts are also failing.  High blood sugar levels can damage circulation, eyesight, the kidneys, heart, skin and nervous system.  Worse, your brain’s nervous system is also compromised, causing weight gain.  But there is good news for all of us.


Breaking aging barriers


Then, people wished only for a long life.  Now, this wish has been modified—to live long, healthy and productively.  Have you heard?  Fifty is the new 35.  Now here’s the exciting truth—with a good lifestyle, 85 could be the new 60!


Focus on the brain, and what it requires to keep the body going beyond traditional expectations.  This comes with a full understanding of what’s going on inside the body, how the brain functions and how it is so intricately connected to the body.


There isn’t just menopause and andropause.  There are other “pauses” we all need to study—a total of 11.


Andropause: the start of hormone loss in men


Menopause: the start of hormone loss for women


Biopause: the beginning of the loss of brain chemical messengers, called neurotransmitters


Cardiopause: the increase of heart rate, while heart pumping efficiency decreases


Electropause: the loss of brain-processing speed


Dermatopause: the loss of skin collagen and elasticity


Osteopause: when bones loss their density and become brittle


Vasculopause: when blood vessels exhibit decreased diameter


Thyropause: the weakening of the thyroid


Immunopause: compromised immune system


Somatopause: the loss of muscle strength, mass and tone


It is a relief to know that our body parts do not “pause” simultaneously.  So, the key to reversing a condition of an aging organ is to identify it from the very onset. There are “fixes” that can prevent us all from becoming the medical fate of our inherited DNA.


If we study our DNA (the genetic blueprint handed down to us by our ancestors), then we can work with the single most important organ that controls health—the brain.


This science tells us that disease can be traced to a brain disorder.


For example, Irritable Bowel Syndrome can be traced to an anxiety disorder;  fibromyalgia could be the result of serotonin deficiency; dementia may very well be undiagnosed depression; carbohydrate cravings/addiction may indicate dopamine imbalance.


Mind over matter


Remember this truth:  The brain controls the body.


Four functions:


Voltage: Brain intensity determines metabolism, digestion, states of consciousness, sleep, emotional choices and decisions.  Neurotransmitter: dopamine


Speed: how fast you think and process information. Increasing brain speed improves memory, IQ, attention and behavior.  Neurotransmitter: acetylcholine


Rhythm: balance between the two brain hemispheres; ensures a smooth flow of electricity; rules the managing of life challenges and stresses and pain management.  Neurotransmitter:  GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid)


Synchrony: the wave-like movement of electricity through the brain.  When there is imbalance you could experience fears and depression. Neurotransmitter: serotonin


Each of these biochemicals, when diminished, is the age accelerators of the body:


Dopamine—fatigue, obesity, addiction


Acetylcholine—Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, learning problems


GABA—pain, anxiety, mood swings and changes


Serotonin—sleep disorders, depression, fears


Hormone production of HGH (human growth hormone), testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, dhea, thyroid, insulin, parathyroid, calcitonin and erythropoietin all decrease from age 30-70.  But by boosting what the brain needs, one can delay the aging clock.


Consider the following:


1. Natural hormone therapy. Bioidentical hormones—natural plant-based hormones that are non-cancerous


2. Nutritional supplements.  Increase vitamin-rich foods by adding more greens and fruits, supplement with vitamins and minerals, including zinc, fish oils, omega-3 fatty acids.


3. Go rainbow. Choose a wide range of colorful foods.


4. Exercise. Moving your body in a repeated routine reverses aging.


Trivia:  Raise the fire within you.  Exercise increases dopamine. The more dopamine, the greater the desire to exercise.  When you exercise, your body feels and knows it is alive.


Affirm today: “I am alive!”


Love and light.


Reference:  National Bookstore Health and Wellness

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