Vape bill protects youth, gives smokers another chance
(Conclusion) As soon as we received a copy of the ratified Vape Bill from the office of Rep. Sharon Garin, one of the main proponents of the bill in Congress,
(Conclusion) As soon as we received a copy of the ratified Vape Bill from the office of Rep. Sharon Garin, one of the main proponents of the bill in Congress,
Research found that patients with melanoma may be less likely to survive if they also have a long history of smoking.
New research has found that smoking over 20 cigarettes a day could damage your vision and color perception.
If you’re struggling with a new year’s resolution to quit smoking, don’t despair; the more attempts you make, the more likely you’ll succeed.
The study found that only 15.9 percent who regularly rolled their own cigarettes were highly motivated to quit.
The team also found that mothers who lived with two or more smokers had a significantly shorter duration of any breastfeeding.
A new Japanese study suggests that smoking increases the risk of hearing loss, in what the researchers believe is the largest to date, investigating the link between tobacco and a decline in hearing.
Citing a study conducted in the United Kingdom that showed that young, jobless people were twice as likely to smoke as those who were employed, a Quezon City-based health advocacy group called on Congress Thursday to enact a law requiring graphic warnings on cigarette packs sold locally.
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