What people consult me about | Lifestyle.INQ

Somebody I know asked me recently, “What kind of problems do people consult you about?”


I didn’t know how to answer this question at first, because I never really bothered to define in specific terms what people could see me about.


Completely unknown persons have come to see me about a wide variety of problems, some of which are beyond my field of knowledge or expertise, such as looking for missing objects or persons, winning back a lover or boyfriend through psychic means, or calling on the spirit of a dead relative to ask where he or she hid a last will and testament.


A strong-willed Polish woman with a doctorate in psychology came to see me in Warsaw because she felt she was losing control of herself and was blaming her boyfriend of 11 years for it. By sheer luck, or was it intuition, I discovered there was a benign entity inside her, and so I did a depossession process that removed the spirit from her.


Talking in circles


I do not handle cases of people with a psychiatric disorders or those who are mentally unstable, but sometimes it’s difficult to know if the person in front of me is a psychic or a psycho. Eventually, they usually show their real selves or true colors by talking in circles.


The pattern of their complaint goes like this: They believe their neighbor is able to read their minds. They would tell me that the neighbor knew what they were thinking and what they intended to do. They talked to them all the time in their minds.


When I asked why they thought their neighbors would do that, they couldn’t give an explanation. When I asked if they had confronted their neighbor about their complaint, they said the neighbors denied they were telepathically disturbing them or snooping on them.


The clue that convinced me I was dealing with a psychiatric case was when a client came to me to complain that her neighbors were doing the same thing to her even in another place they transferred to. I began to suspect this was no longer normal nor paranormal.


I have met around 10 people who came to me with that very same story. It was then I realized that it was a case of paranoia, or the obsessive feeling that other people are talking about you or even want to harm you.


I am not a psychiatrist, and therefore I always tell them to consult a psychiatrist.


But some got angry with me for suggesting that they were mentally ill. They insisted they were perfectly normal, because they had a spouse and a stable job. That’s why it was very difficult for me to tell at first if I was dealing with a mental case or a psychic one.


When no one else can help


So, what are the problems that people can consult me about? Practically anything or everything beyond orthodox science and religion, people with problems of a psychic or paranormal nature, like seeing spirits of the dead, benign possession, cleansing of houses and offices of negative spirits or elementals, out-of-body experiences or astral projection.


Often I feel that people come to see me when there is no one else they can go to for help. For example, there was the case of a man from Mindanao who had a very strange kind of phobia: he was afraid of seeing anybody making an upward motion with his or her hand, or seeing something going up, like placing an object on top of a cabinet, for example.


I really did not know what to do with this case, except to refer him to a psychiatrist. But the person was convinced I was the only one who could help him through psychotherapy or hypnosis. His daughter said her father had been reading my articles in the papers for many years now, and meticulously and carefully collected them. Because of their insistence, I told her I would take on her father’s case only if he could get a clearance from his psychiatrist.


Many have come to see me to know if what’s happening to them could have some karmic or past life causes. They want to know who they were in the past, and what they had done to incur these present problems.


One woman came to me because her daughter, who is living abroad, is being physically and verbally abused by her foreign husband. She wanted to know what the daughter did in the past to deserve such treatment.


I told her that past life hypnotic regression may not be able to answer that question, because that is her daughter’s karma, not hers.




The next seminar on “How to Heal Yourself Through Visualization” is scheduled on July 5, from 9 a.m. to 12 nn.


And the next “Soul mates, Karma and Reincarnation” seminar is on July 12, from 1 to 7 p.m. Call tel. nos. 8107245 or 0908-3537885.

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