It is our mind that creates reality | Lifestyle.INQ

All that exists in the objectified realm is the creation, or emanation of consciousness,” says mystic Joel Goldsmith, author of “The Infinite Way.”

He notes: “It is consciousness that is the creative and governing principle of all forms of expressions, whether animate or inanimate, and which maintains and sustains its creation now and forever.”

This is like saying it is our mind that creates reality. Nothing exists in the objective world which was not conceived first by the mind or by consciousness.

Continues Goldsmith: “As there can be but one intelligence, one consciousness, re-creating your world, experiences, activities, your supply and your environment, your consciousness is the principle of your universe, and your universe is harmonious and successful in proportion to your realization of this truth.”

Goldsmith’s statement, though it may sound incredible and even preposterous, is consistent with the scientific discoveries of quantum mechanics or quantum physics, which studies the ultimate constituent of matter. And surprisingly, quantum physicists found out that matter is made up of almost nothing—it’s mostly empty space!

Furthermore, at the subatomic levels, nothing is certain or absolute. Everything boils down to mere probabilities. Particles do not exist until observed! That’s why it is said, “We create our own reality.” As the Buddhists say, “This world is our own mental creation.”

Mind stuff

Physicist Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington said, “The stuff of the universe is mind stuff.” The outside world, therefore, is an illusion.

But one can argue against the mystic’s statement that everything is an illusion, or that this world is merely our mental creation, by pointing out that if you bump your head hard on a thick wall, you will have a lump. Your head won’t go through the wall. “So what are you saying that this world is merely an illusion?”

Two kinds of reality

The answer lies in the fact that we are talking here of two different kinds of reality—one is the world of “ordinary sensory reality” and the other is the “clairvoyant or psychic reality.”

One is incompatible with the other. If one is in a state of trance and his head hits that wall, he won’t have a lump or feel pain. I have seen mediums or spirits in Mt. Banahaw fall freely on the cement floor when they go into a trance but they were never hurt. I have also experienced this phenomenon several times when I went into a trance and fell on hard ground.

Psychologist Lawrence LeShan writes in his book, “The Medium, The Mystic and the Physicist,” that quantum physicists are beginning to sound like mystics, and mystics are beginning to sound like physicists. Take these quotations, one from a mystic, and another from a physicist:

1) “Vaccha asked the Buddha: Do you hold that the soul of the saint exists after death?

“I do not hold that the soul of the saint exists after death.

“Do you hold that the soul of the saint does not exist after death?

“I do not hold that the soul of the saint does not exist after death.

“Where is the saint reborn?

“To say he is reborn does not fit the case.

“Then he is not reborn.

“To say he is not reborn would not fit the case.”—Majihima-Nikaya Sutra

2) “If we ask, for instance, whether the position of the electron remains the same, we must say ‘No.’ If we ask whether the electron’s position changes with time, we must say ‘No.’ If we ask if the electron is at rest, we must say, ‘No.’ If we ask if it is in motion, we must say ‘No!’”—J.R. Oppenheimer, physicist

Reality is not what it seems to be. At the subatomic level, nothing is certain. A particle exists only when it is observed. Before that, there are only probabilities of existence.

Does quantum physics spell the doom of Newtonian Laws of Physics? The hallowed principles of classical Newtonian physics, namely, strong objectivity, causal determinism, locality, materialism, and epiphenomenalism, do not apply at all at the quantum level. Therefore, quantum physics could spell the death of materialism.

“The Universe,” according to physicist James Jeans, “is beginning to look more like a great thought than a great machine.” And Eddington said, “Probably the simplest hypothesis… is there may be a slow annihilation of matter.”

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