Practical uses of telepathy | Lifestyle.INQ

In 1971, American astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon, conducted unauthorized experiments in telepathy while in outer space.

In an article on June 22, 1971, in The New York Times, the astronaut revealed that “four persons on Earth participated in the extrasensory perception (ESP) experiment he conducted during the Apollo 14 flight to the moon.”

He used the symbols of the Zener cards used by Dr. J.B. Rhine of Duke University in his experiments: the star, square, wave, cross and circle.

While in outer space, Mitchell mentally projected the symbols to the four people. Two of the four got 51 of the 200 correct, and the other two were less successful. Chance would have meant only 40 correct answers.

Without sanction

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Nasa) confirmed that such experiments were indeed carried out, but without the sanction of the agency.

Mitchell said that his experiments in ESP “produced results that are far exceeding anything expected.”

This experiment would have remained unknown to the public if not for one participant who spilled the beans, Swedish psychic Olof Jonsson.

I met Jonsson in the Philippines in 1987. He sought me out because he had read the book I wrote on psychic powers where I mentioned his successful demonstrations of telepathy, telekinesis, and psychometry.

Jonsson is the same psychic hired by Ferdinand Marcos to find the Yamashita treasure. I asked Jonsson if it was true he found the treasures, and he replied, yes. So, the Marcoses were telling the truth that the Philippines is really very rich and could pay all the debts it has incurred 10 times over. But nobody believed them.

Telepathy is one of the most easily demonstrated psychic abilities of man. The term “telepathy” comes from two Latin words meaning “feeling from afar.” It is also called “mind-to-mind” communication. Physical distance is no barrier to telepathic communication, as proven by the experiments conducted by Mitchell, who holds a doctorate in science.

Practical applications

Telepathy has many practical applications in daily life. Consider the following examples:

1. A young couple rented an apartment in a new neighborhood. One day, the husband went out with friends. While the wife was alone at home, she suddenly felt a terrible pain in her stomach. There was no cell phone yet at that time, no internet, or social media. She did not know anybody in the neighborhood.

So she thought of calling out to her husband by thought: “Papa, feel my pain. Come back right away. I can’t stand the pain.” She kept repeating the message mentally.

Her husband at that moment suddenly felt a strong urge to go home immediately. When he reached home, he found his wife on the floor in great pain and brought her to the hospital.

2. An American housewife was cooking lunch at 1 p.m. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her chest, as if something had struck her, and she fell to the floor.

The next day, she received the news from the US Army that her son was killed by a bullet to his chest in Vietnam. The son communicated telepathically to his mother what happened to him. The bullet struck him at exactly 1 p.m. US time.

3. On many occasions, I had come home with a food item my wife wanted me to bring home but never told me about beforehand. She would go like this: “Oh, I forgot to tell you to buy a loaf of bread (or eggs) on your way home.” And I would hand the item to her.

4. The telephone rings at home and you say, “That must be Uncle Pepe calling.” But that uncle of yours has not called your house for 10 years.

In my basic ESP seminars, I ask each participant to choose a partner and I would guide them in an exciting telepathy exercise. One will act as transmitter, where he would draw anything he wants on paper without the partner (the receiver) seeing what has drawn. Then he is asked to transmit the message telepathically. There is a secret process of how to send and receive telepathic messages which will be taught in the seminar.

Then the receiver draws on his paper what he has received telepathically. Out of, say, 10 students, around five persons will get the message perfectly or sometimes only partly. INQTel. 0998-9886292 or 88107245; email [email protected].

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