November 10, 2013 | Lifestyle.INQ

OCTOBER 27, 2022

Day: November 10, 2013

President Aquino’s midnight visit

Late-night motorists on the southbound Skyway last Wednesday evening must have been surprised to spot the presidential convoy heading south—no “wang wang,” of course, just a moving blur of blinking headlights. The size of the convoy and the formation of vehicles made it readily evident that it was President Benigno Aquino III onboard.

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It takes a village–and a bike–to help a child

Lovelyn, 15, wakes up at the crack of dawn every day and heads to a makeshift shack to gather firewood and start a fire. She crouches to the ground to cook breakfast, periodically stirring the small pot to see if the food (usually canned sardines or vegetables from her small yard) is ready.

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