Slim people have genetic advantage when it comes to maintaining weight, says study
Researchers have found that slim people have an advantage when it comes to staying thin, thanks to their genes.
Researchers have found that slim people have an advantage when it comes to staying thin, thanks to their genes.
The gig economy is rewriting the way people live and work, making travel an integrated part of their lifestyle.
New United States research has found evidence to suggest that keeping active is an effective preventive measure for depression.
Those who are in a romantic relationship may be able to prevent an increase in blood pressure just by thinking of their partner.
New European research has found for the first time that sitting closer to the teacher could boost children’s learning.
There is a link between dopamine and pleasure experienced by people listening to music.
Not only are positive interactions on social media failing to make us feel connected; negative interactions can lead to loneliness.
Even young people with blood pressure above normal may show signs of shrinkage in certain parts of the brain.
Paul McCartney has revealed the front cover of a forthcoming picture book he wrote with grandparents in mind.
New research has found that a diet high in fried foods appears to to be associated with higher risk of death among women over 50.
The latest in global fashion, beauty, and culture through a contemporary Filipino perspective.