Wellness to go | Lifestyle.INQ

While there are no quick fixes or speedy remedies, there are practical, easy-to-do regimens that can guarantee your well-being and beauty. These answers to some of your most stubborn and persistent problems may be helpful.


Help! Despite following my endocrinologist’s regimen, I am ballooning. I am a workaholic businesswoman in my 40s.


The age range 40-50 is a time when any woman needs to take a closer look at herself and have a stronger grip on her lifestyle. The word “workaholic” already tells me that there is imbalance between work and home. Stress takes over as the dominant malady in every driven person’s life.


Obviously you are doing the following don’ts:


  • Skipping breakfast
  • Not observing regular meal hours
  • Not getting adequate sleep or keeping late bedtime hours
  • Compensating for skipped meals by having late dinners (as in 9 p.m. onward)
  • Not making time for exercise
  • Not breathing deeply—just short shallow breaths
  • Overworking your mind


When your mind is thinking too much, it is on overdrive. Thus, the stress.


Eating irregularly puts your metabolism in a confused state. There must be regularity—say, every two to three hours.


If you see no changes in your appearance or disposition after undergoing one month of your treatment, you may want to get a second opinion. This is for your own peace of mind in securing the best health approach possible.


Decide today—make a decision that will impact on your health favorably.


Find time to exercise, and make time for relaxation. Learn how to take deep breaths.


Here is a simple breathing exercise:


Relaxing breath


Stand in front of a window, preferably facing east. As soon as you awake, face your window, look out, raise your arms up as high as you can as though you were reaching for the sky. Simultaneously, inhale deeply for six counts. Hold your breath for two counts, and then exhale as you bring your arms down. Repeat five times.


Is there a crash diet that works?


All crash diets work if you simply want to lose weight. But are they safe and effective in the long run? The answer is no.


Some fanatics literally starve themselves—this is not good at all. In fact, it can threaten your life. So, no, I will not recommend crash dieting.


What I do support is a frequent meal plan (five to seven daily) where the dieter can eat moderate portions of food throughout the day. If this is too cumbersome, a three-meal-a-day diet is good, with no carbohydrates intake at night.


If you are serious about losing weight, vegetable juicing and a bowl of fresh fruits in the morning as your breakfast will guarantee 2-3 lbs loss weekly. This is a promise.


Add daily exercise, even if it’s just a 20-minute treadmill workout, and your weight loss could increase to 4 lbs weekly.


Remember, no carbs, sweets or liquor at night. Any of these after 6 p.m. will lead to weight gain. That is a guarantee.


How do I remove the permanent crease on my forehead, and between my eyebrows?


There are several ways to do this, but first you must stop frowning and worrying. These are called worry and stress lines. If you are highly stressed, take calming teas like lavender, chamomile and St. John’s Wort.


Control your anger or extreme bouts of emotion. Cosmetic options include botox, injections and latest hyaluronic fillers.


PRP is a platelet-rich plasma treatment or fat transplant with your own stem cells.


Treat your face with gentleness and a light hand. Every time you place or remove makeup, you are stretching your skin. Every push and pull can create wrinkles.


Drink up—hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.


Here’s a funny but true anecdote. A housewife, irritated about her forehead lines, reached out for an instant remedy. She applied tape on her worry lines, and did her household chores, including the groceries, with the tape on.


When I bumped into her at the mall, and noticed her taped face, there was no need to ask for an explanation. Instead, we both had a good laugh.


But you know what? It works!


This week’s affirmation: “I am a work of art.”


Love and light!


E-mail the columnist at coryquirino1@yahoo.com.

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