May 19, 2013 | Lifestyle.INQ

OCTOBER 27, 2022

Day: May 19, 2013

French president signs gay marriage into law

France will see its first gay weddings within days, after French President Francois Hollande signed a law Saturday authorizing marriage and adoption by same-sex couples and ending months of nationwide protests and wrenching debate.

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Sea turtle comeback in a corner of the Caribbean

Giant leatherback turtles, some weighing half as much as a small car, drag themselves out of the ocean and up the sloping shore on the northeastern coast of Trinidad while villagers await wearing dimmed headlamps in the dark. Their black carapaces glistening, the turtles inch along the moonlit beach, using their powerful front flippers to move their bulky frames onto the sand.

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Gate crashers descend on SJP event–or at least, they tried

The week that was clearly a Sarah Jessica Parker (SJP) week also saw a lot of the city’s Usual Style Suspects (USS) wanting their “claim to SJP fame” moment. But the SJP team, apparently, was such a stickler for schedule so that our USS weren’t able to wedge themselves in, not even for photo ops.

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